Equal Opportunities & Inclusion within a Session | Outlearn Activities Guide

‘Equal opportunities & inclusion within a session’ is important to be aware of. Everyone can learn in different ways, and the leader should be mindful that the group can have a range of different abilities. This will ensure that every member of the group will have a quality experience.

It is also important within each session to allow every member the opportunity of achieving the highest standards, regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, disability, gender, or background. You should be actively seeking to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder, and exclude individuals or groups.

As leaders you should:

  • Ensure equality of access for all members
  • Employ a range of learning styles to suit all members
  • Seek to involve all parents/carers in supporting their child’s education
  • Take account of all members when planning for future learning
  • Make best use of all available resources to support the learning of all groups

Leaders should ensure that groups:

  • Feel secure and know that their efforts are valued
  • Appreciate and value the differences in other individuals within their group
  • Take responsibility for their own actions
  • Participate safely, in clothing that is appropriate to their religious beliefs
  • Are within groups, which allow them to accentuate their experiences
  • Have a range of different learning styles to help every learner
  • Use materials that reflect a range of learning styles and linguistic needs without stereotyping
  • Have targets that challenge them to succeed
  • Are encouraged to participate, regardless of their needs