Accident and Emergency Guidance | Outlearn Activities Guide

‘Accident and emergency guidance’ is essential to anyone whether indoors or out. The aim of this list is to help you have the confidence to know how to deal with a stressed situation, and also to make it clear on what information needs to be available for relevant parties. Whether you already have your own guidance, or whether you are new to this idea, it is important to be open to the information below as you might have missed a step.

During the Accident/Emergency

  • Keep calm and take charge of the situation
  • Ensure the safety of yourself and the rest of the group. Make use of other staff and assistants to supervise the group
  • Attend to the casualty
  • Contact emergency services (Ambulance etc)
  • Ensure an adult from the group accompanies any hospital/doctor visit
  • Make arrangements to continue the activity or return back to school/home
  • Inform school

Information to give to Emergency Services

When speaking to the emergency services, writing down the correct information will help them decide what you require. The information that you need to give is;

  • Your name
  • Nature and time of accident
  • Location
  • Details of individuals involved
  • Action taken so far

After the Accident/Emergency

In the event of a major incident/injury, your manager/nominated contact person must be informed of the incident as soon as possible, giving the above information. After the accident/emergency you also need to consider the following;

  • It is essential that parents learn of the incident promptly and through appropriate channels (health and safety manager/head teacher) and that the group should be informed of this requirement and have no access to telephones until this has been done
  • Do not interfere with the scene of an accident other than to assist in first aid as this is particularly important if the incident involves any form of protective equipment, which should be left in-situ for inspection
  • Legal liability should not be discussed or admitted
  • Write down all relevant details while fresh in your mind, ask other leaders to do so and keep a record of names and addresses of any witnesses
  • Record the accident/incident in accordance with your schools procedures. Forms should be completed as soon as is practically possible and left for the attention of the Health and Safety Manager. Please see Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website for more information.