About Outlearn | Outlearn Activities Guide

You would think it was easy to browse fun and educational outdoor activities online. However, we found the quality and selection of listings on the most well-known activity websites lacking.

The website you are using was built for the purpose of supporting UK outdoor-related activity providers, which often don’t get the same online coverage as other organisations.

We wanted to supply these activity providers with a page which would cover all of the neccesary bases, to give those small outdoor activity providers a chance to be seen, even if they don’t have the skills or finances to produce or manage a website.

There are only two of us running this website. The one who built and maintains the site and the one who manages the listings.

We decided to keep this website simple and advert-free.

The website is free to use and we don’t charge for listings.

In the future, We may ask for donations or offer further enhanced listings to help cover costs.

If you would like to contribute (articles, listings…), please get in touch: reachout

How to use the website

To use the site, simply search for (or select) your city, then browse the activities.

If you don’t know which activity you are looking for, just scroll down and browse the activity categories and listings.

To add or edit your listing, just drop us an email: listings