Make Hobby Animals | Outlearn Activities Guide

Hobby animals are great fun to create, as they can become part of your story and even be the star of the show. The focus of making a hobby animal is to immerse yourself into a magical world and produce a great creature. This allows children to better understand their craft skills, nature and their environment.


  • Sock/s
  • Newspaper/Straw
  • String
  • Double Sided Tape
  • Buttons/Wool/Natural Materials


Stuff a sock with scrunched-up newspaper or straw. Choose an animal to make (this might depend on the colour of the sock) and then mould a stuffed sock to the right head shape.

Push a long sturdy stick into the sock and tie the end of the sock to the stick. Use double sided tape to attach seed eyes, leafy ears and a twig mouth to bring your animal to life. You could add twig antlers or a stick horn/tusk. Explore the woods on your hobby animal!

Safety Tips

Wash your hands after the activity.